October 2023
Jerry McLaughlin’s new solo exhibition estructuras organicas explores pure abstraction and materiality at Wabi Studio San Miguel

San Miguel de Allende, MX – Artist Jerry McLaughlin presents abstract work in his new solo exhibition estructuras organicas at Wabi Studio San Miguel, using ash as a primary medium to explore natural materiality and cycles of renewal. The exhibition is on view October 27 – December 28, 2023.
In estructuras organicas, his second exhibition at Wabi Studio San Miguel, McLaughlin merges the structure and geometry always present in his work with organic materials, shapes, and textures, as seen in over 20 works on paper and several paintings in the exhibition.
During an artist residency in Ballycastle, Ireland, in 2023, McLaughlin developed a unique technique for creating his works on paper, using ash as the only pigment and textural material. No paint or other pigments are involved. Beeswax serves as a binder, and the lines are drawn using cinders harvested from the fires that created the ash. Starting with two or three structural lines on the paper as a compositional skeleton, McLaughlin then moves the ash and beeswax around the surface with a variety of tools creating gestural shapes and evocative textures. Each pass results in a different surface, a different density, a different edge, and there is no erasing or undoing, so McLaughlin must be decisive as he works. McLaughlin obtains his ash from a variety of sources, including his own artwork that he burns and then recycles (as ash) into new work. Variations in the coloration and textures come from variations in the range of ash he uses.
The result is something almost purely material and process-driven while also being wholly intimate and expressive. The surfaces of the pieces range from beautiful, untouched paper to thin veils of color to woody, carbonaceous terrains, all begging to be touched. The paintings on view are part of McLaughlin’s ongoing work exploring the architecture, surfaces, light, and shadow of the bajio of Central Mexico. The poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca, particularly his Sonetos Del Amor Oscuro, deeply affects this work. Strongly structured through formal and informal geometry, McLaughlin evokes darker moods of longing and loss through his neutral palette and layering of beeswax and oils into evocative edges, textures, and surfaces.

Opening Reception: October 27, 2023, at 6 PM
On View: October 27 – December 28, 2023.
Wabi Studio
sollano 58, centro
San Miguel de Allende, GTO Mexico
About Jerry McLaughlin
Jerry McLaughlin lives and paints in the high desert landscape of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Dedicated entirely to pure abstraction, his paintings are characterized by their subtle, restrained palette and their palpable physicality. Dozens of layers of beeswax, pigment, and ash give rise to their complex yet harmonious surfaces. His works incite our desire to physically touch them. Always navigating the interplay between beauty and darkness, McLaughlin weaves his love of poetry into his process, using insights drawn from language to enrich his work. The poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca, Edna St Vincent Millay, and Constantine Cavafy has been particularly important. Moods and sensitivities are roughly translated into palette, shape, and surface.
Recognized as an expert in cold wax medium, he has taught extensively across the US and abroad. In 2017, he co-authored Cold Wax Medium: Techniques, Concepts & Conversations, the first ever comprehensive book on cold wax medium. The book won a 2018 International Independent Publisher Gold Medal and a 2018 International Book Award. His works appear in private collections in the US and internationally, including the Ballinglen Museum of Art (Ireland), the Encaustic Art Museum (New Mexico), and the Texas A&M permanent collection. He is represented by Avivson Gallery in London and HG Contemporary in New York.
Instagram: @jerrymclaughlinart