9 Arts & Culture Magazines You Should Be Reading
9 Arts & Culture Magazines You Should Be Reading We are online now more than ever. As a public relations agency, we are constantly reaching out to media, pitching stories, supporting writers and editors, building connections, and we’ve had the privilege of...

The State of (Semi) Post-Quarantine Zines
When the world went into lockdown last year, we had a lot of time on our hands. Many artists took advantage of that time stuck at home to create and relied on the internet more than ever to get their art in front of viewers. One interesting byproduct of this online...

Shine A Light On Your Art – & Get Out of Your Own Way
An artist’s life has its ebbs and flows, its ups and downs. In the artist’s world what generally defines a career is how an artist deals with those changes and fluctuations.

A Los Angeles Gallery Navigates the Pandemic: Von Lintel Gallery
By Noah Sonnenburg Von Lintel Gallery is a proud fixture of the Los Angeles arts scene and has been for decades. Owner and founder Tarrah Von Lintel has been at the helm of the gallery for its long tenure as a loudspeaker for boundary-breakers and risk takers. She’s...

A Los Angeles Art Collective Grapples with the Pandemic
By Noah Sonnenburg For those of us in California, months have passed since Governor Gavin Newsom first announced a statewide shelter-in-place order. Since then, Los Angeles has experienced stages of reopening, surges in cases, the possibility of a new stay-at-home...

How to Manage Social Media if Social Media Isn’t Your Thing
By McKenzie Morgan Many of us, artists and PR reps alike, understand the importance social media has on our careers. However, some of us (like myself) dread it. Sometimes posting an engaging comment or even a simple emoji feels inauthentic and awkward. Or maybe you...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Patricia Carr Morgan Shares Her Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Patricia Carr Morgan is a Tucson-based conceptual artist whose most recent work aims to hold our attention on an overwhelming threat to our planet: climate change. After trips to Greenland and Antarctica, where she saw firsthand the devastating toll...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Charlie Lieberman Shares His Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Charlie Lieberman is a photographer and cinematographer based in Southern California, whose work asks us to reconsider the preconceptions we might have about landscapes and how we move through them. Throughout the pandemic, sequestered in his home,...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Barbara Cole Shares Her Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Barbara Cole is a Toronto-based artist whose voice and vision couldn’t be more needed during this time of uncertainty. Known for her underwater photography that depicts figures suspended within shadowy waters, her body of work speaks to the...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Tatiana Wills Shares Her Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Tatiana Wills is an artist who seeks out other artists. If you’ve been in the art world long enough, you learn who to watch out for next by listening to other artists, and that is exactly the kind of intuition Wills exhibits in a body of photographic...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Seek One Shares His Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Seek One is a Philadelphia-based artist whose work combines a classic reverence for Hollywood fame alongside contemporary, pop abstraction. Looking at his stylish and dynamic paintings is really like seeing what forms his personality. With roots in...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Amanda McCauley Shares Her Thoughts
By Colter Ruland Amanda McCauley is a mixed media artist whose work is made entirely of flora (often foraged) that she presses and preserves in encaustics. The whimsy and intricacy of seeing petals, leaves, sea sponges, you name it, transformed into what she calls...

Art in a Time of Social Distancing: Artist Yuge Zhou Shares Her Thoughts
By Colter Ruland COVID-19 is predominating our thoughts and lives. As we continue to see ourselves observe social distancing, self-isolation, and quarantine, we are online and with ourselves now more than ever. All of us are trying to cope. So, as a coping mechanism,...

What I Learned At Frieze LA: All Art Is Story
By Colter Ruland The thing about art is that it is usually silent. In fact, art is often bound to silence. If I were to cancel out every attendee’s voice at the Frieze Art Fair in Los Angeles this past weekend, I would hear only the faint drumming of the air...

Warhol’s Business Secrets
“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” – Andy Warhol
Warhol was right!

The Reality (Behind the Myth) of Going Viral
Artists are daily posting images and videos online. Many do so with the hope that that last image they posted will break through the social media barriers, fly past the noise and go viral. But how realistic is that scenario?

Instagram: Making the Most of Visual Social Media
While we can’t underestimate the value of all social media platforms for artists, the truth is that one application remains king above all: Instagram. As a predominantly visual app, Instagram has all the right tools to make your artwork shine (or even better, sell!),...

Turning up the Exposure on your Artwork
Why are some artists featured in magazines, newspapers and on TV, while others seem to remain under the radar? Why do some careers take off while others falter or flounder? The quality of the art work, that’s always the starting point, but that is seldom the complete...

An Artist’s Success Blueprint
Let’s start with the basics – are you currently marketing and working to bring exposure to your work? If so, congratulations. If not, let’s get you started. But, before you launch a PR, social media or marketing campaign, you want to make sure that you’ve outlined your objectives and thoroughly mined your stories.

Why Artists Need PR
Musicians performers and filmmakers generally ask the basics, i.e. what, when where, and how to launch and implement a successful PR campaign. When working with fine artists, the question is most often - WHY. So, why is it that so many artists don’t get why? There is...

Shining Art in the Dark
These are chaotic unsettling times. These are time of walls and fear and suspicion. The rancor and vitriol seems to be perpetually stuck in high gear. People feel unsafe, unsure and lost, tossed about in the divisiveness and turbulence. And because of that –...

The Two Biggest Marketing Mistakes Artists Make
To start, if you’re an artist and you’re marketing your work, congratulations! You are already ahead of so many others in your field. But, you don’t simply want to market yourself and your work, you want to efficiently and effectively do so. The trouble is that...

Why “Create & Wait” is Not a Formula For Success
Public Relations for Artists Tips: Why Create & Wait is Not a Formula For Success

Art Is Not a Solitary Act: How Having a Team Can Make All the Difference
Team work makes the dream work.

Two Top Media Campaign Mistakes Artists Can Avoid
If you’ve hired a PR firm, or PR consultant to launch your media campaign, rule number one is work with them. Although the majority of clients we’ve worked with have been great, in over two decades of working in the PR field, I have run into a few who, for whatever...

How do I Market My Art?
You can’t have your art seen if no one knows where to see it. That sounds obvious, but it’s one of the major pitfalls most artists encounter. It makes sense, most artists try to focus their time on creating their art. If they have the luxury of being full time artists, they want to spend as much time in their studio working on their art. If they need to hold down a “day job” they are even more jealous of their time and want to use the time they have left creating.

Marketing Your Art by Pulling back the Curtain
If you’re utilizing social media as a way to build your audience and reach out to the public, remember that people are generally intrigued when artists draws back the curtain and give a behind-the-scenes look at their work and their process. This might seem...

The Art of Celebrating success (with a small s)
“Life is a journey, not a destination,” is a quote attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Although there is some dispute as to whether he ever said that, he did write: “To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.”

How to Get Your Art in the Media
Effective PR Is effective storytelling.

The Power of Art
Art, success, and money are not incompatible.

Why Having Your Own Artist’s Website is Critical
If you think that having a Facebook page, or a presence on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter is enough to showcase your art, think again.

Creating Opportunity as an Artist Using Effective PR
If you’re looking to sell your art and build a career as an artist, without opportunity, all of the above can go for naught.

Fine Art PR: The Art of Effective Storytelling
One of our mantras at PR For Artists is that effective PR is effective storytelling. It’s not about a hard sell, it’s about creating compelling stories with strong narratives.
The trouble is that most artists are too close to their work (and their careers) to be able to see their stories. Or they don’t realize what makes a compelling story or how to present their stories in ways that will interest the media and the public.

Social Media For Artists: Share & Sell
Social media has become an integral aspect of most artist’s marketing. For some, it has become a part of their art and, in a sense, an extended canvas.
From our perspective, traditional media is the most powerful approach for enhancing your social media outreach. Launching a traditional PR campaign will garner you media coverage in magazines, newspapers as well as on TV, radio and online media outlets. You can then post those media links on your various social media platforms. You have now separated yourself from most other artists online. You aren’t simply posting your thoughts, or personal images, as everyone else is posting. You are establishing that your art is newsworthy.

Defining Success as an Artist
Although PR and marketing is generally what helps cement an artist’s success in the marketplace, as an artists you will have your own definition of success.
But often those initial definitions and ideas are passed on by others and have a tendency to be very limiting.

The Importance of Rejection
You’ve reached out and presented your work to galleries, companies, exhibits, and you continue to receive polite rejections, not so polite rejections and sometimes simply silence.
You’ve done your work. You’ve put in your time. You’ve perfected and refined your art and…
The powers that be and the universe have reacted with a resounding
So, do you stop? Are you being sent a cosmic message? Is it time to grow up realize that you’re going down the wrong path? Forget launching a marketing or PR campaign. Maybe you should throw in the towel and close the door on this chapter of your life?
Good questions. Read on..

The Art of L.A.
Los Angeles was always thought of as a film town, or a TV town, or a music town. But never as an art town.
Well, as the saying goes, never say never.
According to a recent article in the New York Times, that’s exactly what L.A. is becoming.
To quote Julia Chaplin’s recent article: ”In the last two years, more than 24 galleries have moved into the warehouses and decommissioned factories in downtown Los Angeles on either side of the desiccated Los Angeles River, including the Arts District and neighboring Boyle Heights, offering a new party destination for the city’s thriving art scene.”

Caring for Your Art
It can be exhausting being an artist. There are so many seemingly peripheral aspects to be considered that on the surface appear to have nothing to do with the art of… Creating art. If you’re not yet supporting yourself by your art, you need to work to bring in a paycheck so you can keep yourself afloat while you’re working on your art.

Create Your Perfect Media Pitch & Win a Free Month of PR
“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”
That quote is credited to quite a few notables including: Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Voltaire, Blaise Pascal, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Winston Churchill, Pliny the Younger, Cato, Cicero, and Benjamin Franklin

Learning the Art of Marketing in 3 Acts
Learning the art of marketing your art needn’t be frightening or intimidating. Our bet is that it can actually be fun. With that bet in mind on April 1st, in Burbank, California, PR for Artists is offering a seminar for artists, by artists.

When to Launch a PR Campaign for Your Art
I was speaking to a new client the other day who wanted to wait to launch her PR campaign until her show which is, at that point, over eight months away. She’s based in Europe and this will be her first U.S. exhibition.

Bowie: Farewell to the Ch-ch-ch Changes
During my time as a freelance journalist there were three interviews that got away, one was with Bob Dylan, the other with the writer Henry Miller and the third with David Bowie. Although I was intrigued by the thought of interviewing Dylan, he was notorious for toying with interviewers. You knew you were going into a mind field and chances of coming out with more than an interesting experience were slim. That said, Henry Miller and Bowie were the interviews I regretted losing the most.

The Art of Breaking the PR Rules
You’re an artist, so chances are breaking rules is not that foreign a concept to you. So, with that in mind, try approaching your PR and marketing with that same mindset.

Artist as Entrepreneur
The New York Times recently ran an article on Danielle Baskin, a 27 year old artist turned entrepreneur. The title of the article is: “An Entrepreneur Juggles Six Companies and One Worker: Herself.”
Although her story is one artists can learn from, that’s not to say that every artist needs to focus on being an entrepreneur. Still the article does illustrate the kind of opportunities that are available to artists. As the article explains, her business was as self-contained and shoe-string as a business can be.

The Genesis of PR for Artists & the PR for Artist Gallery Exhibit
It was approximately seven years ago that Aubrie Wienholt and I began experimenting with the PR for Artists idea. Although the company had represented films, authors, directors and musicians in the past, representing fine artists was a new endeavor. The focus for PR for Artists was organic. The concept was to have artists representing artists.

Joshua Shultz Art Exhibition
Our mantra at PR FOR ARTISTS is for artists to be as creative with their marketing as they are with their art. The goal is to turn marketing into an art. Warhol certainly transformed his marketing into an art form.

How to Avoid the Two Biggest PR Mistakes Artists Make
A few weeks back I received an email from an artist who had booked her first solo show. As she explained it was coming up in two weeks. She was excited. She saw this as being an opportunity to truly establish herself and her artwork. She wanted us to work with her to launch a campaign to garner media coverage, create a buzz and start help drive peoples to the exhibit.
The Gift of Art: A Holiday PR Campaign
A few years back I began to notice a new trend. A number of prospective clients began contacting us not for themselves, but for someone they cared for, admired, or championed. They were calling to give a PR campaign as a holiday gift.

Cuban Artist Julio Larraz Opens Solo Show in Chelsea
I was speaking to someone about Cuban Artist Julio Larraz the other day who described him as a Titan in the art world. I echo that sentiment. Larraz has been called one of most important contemporary Latin American artists of our time. I’d go so far to say he is the most important.

PR Your Art & Your Brand (Yes, Brand!)
I prepare for this whenever discussing marketing with fine artists. I toss the word “brand” out intentionally, as one would a grenade. I generally wait until the artist is fully engaged in the conversation excited about where her (In this case she was female, but I’ve had the same reaction from males) art could go, how we could promote her work, the various creative ways we could build bridges between her and the public, and how we could utilize the media to get her art in front of collectors, investors, gallery owners and the public at large. She was excited as we reviewed the possibilities.